Littermates, they had their 19th birthday in August. That makes them 83 in cat years.
They are showing their age in some ways. They weigh less than half of what they once weighed, with the angles of their bones easily felt beneath the skin. And, their kidney disease started almost two years ago, so they get subcutaneous fluids twice a week; the bag of fluid a permanent fixture in the diningroom.
But, let them out into the sunshine on a warm afternoon, and they rediscover their virile youth.
One has taken to chasing the squirrels from under the bird feeder. One day he stood his ground at the base of a tree beneath a chattering squirrel perched about six feet above him. I don't know how it would have ended if I hadn't intervened.
The other one usually spends his outdoors time taking a bath in the sunshine. But yesterday I caught him in hot pursuit of a small lizard that was scooting across the brick wall. If only he had front claws, he might have snagged its tail--darn!
Back indoors they return to their sedate, napping selves. Dreaming of their hunting adventures and looking forward to their next outing into the sunshine...
I didn't remember 'til I saw the pictures exactly what your kitties looked like. Now I see that Mikasi looks pretty much just like my kitty!! (I'll email you a picture, since this box didn't like the url i pasted in...)